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Kimberly Novick

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Novick KA, Whenua IJM, D'Orangeville L, et al. The Drought Response of Eastern US Oaks in the Context of Their Declining Abundance. BioScience. 2022;72(4):333-346. doi:10.1093/biosci/biab135.
Novick KA, Ficklin DL, Baldocchi DD, et al. Confronting the water potential information gap. Nature Geoscience. 2022;15(3):158-164. doi:10.1038/s41561-022-00909-2.
Benson MC, Miniat CF, Oishi A C, et al. The xylem of anisohydric Quercus alba L. is more vulnerable to embolism than isohydric codominants. Plant, Cell & Environment. 2021;45(2):329-346. doi:10.1111/pce.14244.
Asbjornsen H, Campbell JL, Jennings KA, et al. Guidelines and considerations for designing field experiments simulating precipitation extremes in forest ecosystems. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 2018;online. doi:10.1111/2041-210X.13094.