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Data Products and Tools Available for Public Download

The open sharing of all TES-SFA data and model products and tools among researchers, the broader scientific community, and the public is critical to advancing the mission of DOE’s Program of Terrestrial Ecosystem Science.

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Data Product Contents

TARP: Identifying Critical Thresholds for Acute Response of Plants and Ecosystems to Water Stress at Walker Branch Watershed, 2002-2005     

This dataset contains data from a manipulative field study aimed at identifying critical thresholds for acute response of plants and ecosystems to water stress (TARP) that took place at Walker Branch Watershed in Oak Ridge, Tennessee from 2002-2005 (2002-06-20 to 2005-12-16). The study used understory tents for the removal of 100% of the growing-season throughfall and stem flow, to provide data on the impact of acute drought on mechanisms responsible for growth and mortality of deciduous forest canopy trees representative of common plant functional types (Liriodendron and Quercus). Through three years of manipulation (2003, 2004 and 2005; pretreatment measurements in 2002) various measures of tree response to surface moisture deficits were recorded including root and leaf traits, plant nonstructural carbohydrates status, hourly sapflow, basal area, and periodic observations of foliar photosynthesis and conductance. Additionally, environmental data such as air and soil temperature, soil water content, and soil matric potential were recorded. This dataset contains 16 files in comma-separate (*.csv) format. 


Hanson PJ, RM Augé, TJ Tschaplinski, SD Wullschleger, DE Todd and TA Ruggles. 2025.  TARP Identifying Critical Thresholds for Acute Response of Plants and Ecosystems to Water Stress at Walker Branch Watershed, 2002-2005. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A.  

User's Guide: Guide for TARP Identifying Critical Thresholds for Acute Response of Plants and Ecosystems to Water Stress at Walker Branch Watershed, 2002-2005

Data Files: Download TARP Identifying Critical Thresholds for Acute Response of Plants and Ecosystems to Water Stress at Walker Branch Watershed, 2002-2005 

Responses of Drying-rewetting (Transient Soil Moisture) and Steady State Soil Moisture Incubation on Soil Organic Carbon Dynamics in Three US Soils, 2017    

This data set contains measurements of soil characteristics (aggregate size distribution and mean size, total aggregate associated carbon, extractable organic C, and microbial biomass C), microbial respiration, and soil metabolite concentrations from a transient and steady soil moisture incubation experiment using soils of different textures (sandy, loamy, and clayey). The study investigated mechanisms driving the Birch effect (increased carbon mineralization pulses with wetting following a drying period) in differing soil textures. 

Three different soils of distinctly different textures were collected from 0-15cm depth in Georgia (sandy, 2017-05-01), Missouri (loamy, 2017-06-14), and Texas (clayey, December 2017). Soils were incubated for 140 days with destructive harvests done on days 1, 29, 33, 56, 112, 116, and 140 in transient soil moisture incubation and on days 1, 33, 116, and 140 in steady state soil moisture incubation. This dataset contains six data files in comma separate (.csv) format.


Singh, S., Mayes, M. A., Kivlin, S. N., and Jagadamma, S. Responses of Drying-rewetting (Transient Soil Moisture) and Steady State Soil Moisture Incubation on Soil Organic Carbon Dynamics in Three US Soils, 2017. 2024. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, TES SFA, U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A.   

User's Guide: Guide for Responses of Drying-rewetting (Transient Soil Moisture) and Steady State Soil Moisture Incubation on Soil Organic Carbon Dynamics in Three US Soils, 2017

Data Files: Download Responses of Drying-rewetting (Transient Soil Moisture) and Steady State Soil Moisture Incubation on Soil Organic Carbon Dynamics in Three US Soils, 2017

Differential Organic Carbon Mineralization Responses to Soil Moisture in Three Different Soil Orders Under Mixed Forested System: Supporting Data 

This data contains data from 90-day long incubation study which aimed to look at the soil moisture-texture relationship on SOC cycling. Soils were collected from three distinct soil textures from mixed forests in 2017: sandy (Georgia, 2017-05-01), loamy (Missouri, 2017-06-14) and clayey (Texas, December 2017) were incubated at different soil moisture levels (air-dried, 25% WHC, 50% WHC, 100% WHC and 175% WHC) at room temperature for a period of 90 days. Files contain microbial respiration, active and slow SOC pools, and their respective mineralization rates, extractable organic C, and C-acquiring extracellular enzymes. This dataset has seven data files provided in comma-separate (*.csv) format. Findings from these data were used in Singh et al. (2021).

This study aimed to examine the interactive effect of soil moisture and texture on soil organic carbon (SOC) mineralization. Soil samples of three distinct textures (sandy, loamy, and clayey) were collected from mixed forests of Georgia, Missouri, and Texas, respectively. Soil cores of 5 cm diameter were collected from numerous random locations at each site from 0-15 cm depth after scraping the litter layer and mixed thoroughly to obtain a composite sample per site. Three additional soil cores were collected to determine the water holding capacity (WHC) using pressure plate extractors. Soil samples were composited, and triplicate soil samples were incubated in mason jars for a period of 90 days at room temperature under different moisture regimes: air dried, 25% WHC, 50% WHC, at WHC and 100% saturation. Soil respiration was measured weekly, and destructive sampling was conducted at 1, 15, 60, and 90 days to determine extractable organic C, C acquiring enzyme activity, and active and slow SOC pools with their respective mineralization rates. The C acquiring enzyme activity was the total activity of α-glucosidase, β-glucosidase, cellobiohydrolase, and β-xylosidase enzymes. 

Gas samples for microbial respiration measurements were collected from headspace of incubation jars through the sampling ports on the lids and then analyzed using a Shimadzu Gas Chromatograph (GC-2014). Prior to sampling, the vials were evacuated. Blank correction was also done by collecting gas samples from empty incubation jars. Double pool exponential decay model was used in SigmaPlot to determine the active and slow SOC pools and their mineralization rates (Farrar et al., 2012; Jagadamma et al., 2014). The C-acquiring extracellular enzymes were measured using the microplate method by German et al., (2011). Microbial community structure was determined using the phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) and neutral lipid fatty acid (NLFA) analyses (Buyer and Sasser, 2012). 


Singh, S, S Jagadamma, J Liang, SN Kivlin, JD Wood, G Wang, CW Schadt, JI DuPont, PH Gowda, and MA Mayes. 2024. Differential Organic Carbon Mineralization Responses to Soil Moisture in Three Different Soil Orders Under Mixed Forested System: Supporting Data. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, TES SFA, U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A.   

User's Guide: Guide for Differential Organic Carbon Mineralization Responses to Soil Moisture in Three Different Soil Orders Under Mixed Forested System: Supporting Data

Data Files: Download Differential Organic Carbon Mineralization Responses to Soil Moisture in Three Different Soil Orders Under Mixed Forested System: Supporting Data

Volatile Organic Compounds and Meteorological Conditions in the Missouri Ozark AmeriFlux (MOFLUX) Site, 2023

This data set contains measurements of atmospheric components and meteorological conditions of central Missouri, United States during the summer of 2023. Data serve to examine the impact of meteorological conditions relevant to future climate on the emission and transformation of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). During the field campaign, researchers were also able to incorporate opportunistic analyses of the long-range transport of smoke plumes generated from extreme forest fire activities in Canada.

VOC measurements were conducted at the Missouri Ozark AmeriFlux (MOFLUX) site (latitude 38.7441, longitude −92.2000) using a proton transfer reaction time of flight mass spectrometer (PTR-ToF-MS 6000 X2). The sampling campaign was conducted during the summer of 2023 (2023-06-25 to 2023-08-12) with measurements being taken at high temporal resolution (1 hour). Particular VOCs analyzed include: Methanol, Acetonitrile, Acetone, Isoprene, Methylvinyl ketone (MVK) and methacrolein (MACr), Benzene, Toluene, Catechol, and Monoterpene.

Meteorological parameters included in this dataset were collected from a nearby Columbia Regional Airport (~10 km). Global solar radiation data were measured at a weather site in Ashland, MO, 5.22 km from the MOFLUX tower. The data were accessed using the MesoWest online website ( provided by the Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Utah. Discussion of the data providers, database, and dissemination were highlighted in prior studies (Horel et al., 2002a; Horel et al., 2002b) . Smoke mixing ratios (in mg m−3) were estimated from the High-Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) 3 km weather model for Missouri at 6-hour intervals (Dowell et al., 2022).

This dataset contains three files in comma separate (*.csv) format. 



Salvador, CMG, JD Wood, EG Cochran, HA Seubert, BD Kamplain, SS Overby, KR Birdwell, L Gu, and MA Mayes. Volatile Organic Compounds and Meteorological Conditions in the Missouri Ozark AmeriFlux (MOFLUX) Site, 2023. 2024. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, TES SFA, U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A.

User's Guide: Guide for: Volatile Organic Compounds and Meteorological Conditions in the Missouri Ozark AmeriFlux (MOFLUX) Site, 2023

Data Files: Download: Volatile Organic Compounds and Meteorological Conditions in the Missouri Ozark AmeriFlux (MOFLUX) Site, 2023

NIST: Soil Respiration, Moisture, Temperature, Chemistry; and Fine Root Measurements from a Transect Through a Forest Edge, Gaithersburg, Maryland, 2017-2021

This dataset contains soil respiration, moisture, temperature, and chemistry, as well as fine root measurements from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Forested Optical Reference for Evaluating Sensor Technology (FOREST) research facility at Gaithersburg, Maryland. Measurements were taken at an existing transect array that begins in a grassy meadow, crosses a sharp forest edge, then a small stream, and finally extends upwards in the interior of the forest at the top of a ridge. There are 6 different landscape positions replicated across three transects in the array. Soil respiration was measured during growing seasons in 2017-2019 (2017-06-02 to2020-02-27). Pedons (1 m3) were isolated from surrounding tree roots using trenching and a fabric to inhibit root ingrowth. Flux measurements inside the pedons were thus assumed to represent heterotrophic only respiration in 2019, and these fluxes were paired with nearby fluxes assumed to represent total respiration. Deep vertical probes measured volumetric moisture content and temperature at the same points in the array every 10 cm in depth to either 90 cm or 120 cm total depth, at 15 minute intervals, from 2019-2021 (2019-07-09 to 2021-09-10). Soil core samples were collected from each of the array points for three different months in early- to mid-2019 (2019-03-19 to 2019-07-10), at three depths each. Soils were analyzed for gravimetric moisture content; pH; total carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus; texture; microbial biomass carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus; extractable dissolved organic carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus; extractable nitrate and ammonia; and extracellular hydrolytic enzyme activities. The fine roots were separated from the cores and segregated by plant functional type (grass or tree species) and if they were dead or alive. Fine roots were then measured for length, surface area, diameter, and dry mass.

This dataset contains four data files in comma separated (*.csv) format.


RZ Abramoff, JM. Warren, J Harris, S Ottinger, JR Phillips, JM Brenner, SM Garvey, J Winbourne, I Smith, A Reinmann, L Hutyra, DW Allen, and MA Mayes. 2024. NIST: Soil Respiration, Moisture, Temperature, Chemistry; and Fine Root Measurements from a Transect Through a Forest Edge, Gaithersburg, Maryland, 2017-2021. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A.

User's Guide: Guide for NIST: Soil Respiration and Properties and Fine Root Measurements, 2017-2021

Data Files: Download NIST: Soil Respiration and Properties and Fine Root Measurements, 2017-2021

Enriched Background Isotope Study (EBIS): Analysis of 14C-Enriched Carbon Cycle in Soils and Litter at Forested Oak Ridge and AmeriFlux Sites, 2000-2011

These data provide a record of the multi-year, multi-institutional Enriched Background Isotope Studies (EBIS) projects that ran from 2000 through 2011. Elevated levels of 14C enriched CO2 in the air and soil atmosphere as well as leaf, stem, and root tissues were observed on the Oak Ridge Reservations (ORR) during the summer of 1999, and were attributed to local incinerator activities on and/or near the ORR (Trumbore et al. 2002). 

The isolated enrichment of the background levels of 14C in local forest ecosystem represented a unique opportunity to study unresolved carbon cycling processes such as the contribution of leaf versus root litter contributions to soil carbon accumulation, the rate of vertical transport of carbon into deep soil storage pools, and the differential contribution of physicochemical versus faunal driven processes to soil carbon cycling and sequestration.

Leaf litter from the local enriched forest was transplanted to selected sites on the ORR and to selected AmeriFlux study sites to study soil C cycling across a range of soils and climates. 

The EBIS research projects provide data on C flux from litter sources to mineral soil sinks for United States eastern hardwood forests necessary for testing process hypotheses and judging efficacy of soil C cycling models. Experimental results from this study are being used to parameterize and refine existing carbon dynamics models, the quantification of the long-term fate of ecosystem carbon inputs and as a means to judge the potential for ecosystem carbon sequestration via enhance litter inputs to soil.

EBIS observations support conclusions that intra- and inter-annual soil carbon cycling in hardwood forest soils should be characterized as a least a two-compartment system where surface leaf-litter and belowground root turnover represent primary carbon sources for organic-layer and mineral-soil carbon cycles, respectively. 

EBIS experiments were conducted to complete enriched litterfall maniplations in upland forests on Ultisol and Inceptisol soils  of the Oak Ridge Reservation, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. We also collected additional14C-enriched materials for new experimental applications, and applied those materials to multiple AmeriFlux sites over a range of climatic, edaphic and biological conditions. 

The research provided data for addressing DOE's goal of understanding mechanisms controlling C flux, and for the improvement of models to be applied to policy discussions regarding the safe levels of greenhouse gases for the earth's system. 

There are 5 data files provided in comma separated (*.csv) format for vegetation, field litter, soil and air [C] and C isotope data from the EBIS studies and associated environmental data. 


Hanson, PJ, DE Todd, JR Phillips, CT Garten, CW Swanston, KJ McFarlane, & J Le Moine. 2024. Enriched Background Isotope Study (EBIS): Analysis of 14C-Enriched Carbon Cycle in Soils and Litter at Forested Oak Ridge and AmeriFlux Sites, 2001-2011. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, TES SFA, U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A.   

User's Guide: Guide for EBIS Analysis of 14C Enriched Soils Litter at Oak Ridge and AmeriFlux Sites

Data Files: Downloand EBIS Analysis of 14C Enriched Soils Litter at Oak Ridge and AmeriFlux Sites

Interrelationships among methods of estimating microbial biomass across multiple soil orders and biomes: Supporting data

This dataset contains environmental and soil measurements from 18 different locations across the globe including the SPRUCE experiment site and multiple sampling depths, with 17 of these locations having samples processed between 2012-2013 and one location (SPRUCE) collected in 2021 and processed in 2022. Environmental measurements include: mean annual temperature, mean annual precipitation, and 30-day presampling temperature. Soil physicochemical measurements include: particle size analysis (PSA), pH, gravimetric moisture content (GMC), bulk soil carbon (C) and nitrogen (N), total organic C and N, C:N ratio, and dissolved organic carbon (DOC).  Soil biological measurements include: microbial biomass carbon (MBC) measured through chloroform fumigation extraction (CFE), gene copy numbers (GCN) of bacteria, fungi, and archaea measured through quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR), DNA yield measured through Nanodrop spectrophotometry, and phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA) of bacteria and fungi measured through PLFA analysis. This data set contains one file in comma separate (*.csv) format.

Relevant Publication: 

Buell, Z.W., Dabbs, J., Steinweg, J.M., Kluber, L.A., Phillips, J.R., Yang, Z.K., Miller, R.M., Gutknecht, J.L.M., Schadt, C.W., and Mayes, M.A. Interrelationships among methods of estimating microbial biomass across multiple soil orders and biomes. [Manuscript in Preparation]

Dataset Citation: 

Buell, Z.W., J. Dabbs, J.M. Steinweg, J.R. Phillips, L.A. Kluber, Z.K. Yang, R.M. Miller, J.L.M. Gutknecht, C.W. Schadt, and M.A. Mayes. 2024. Interrelationships among methods of estimating microbial biomass across multiple soil orders and biomes: Supporting data. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A.     

User's GuideGuide for Interrelationships among methods of estimating microbial biomass across multiple soil orders and biomes: Supporting data

Data Files: Download Interrelationships among methods of estimating microbial biomass across multiple soil orders and biomes: Supporting data 




Litter Production of Oak-Hickory Forest at Missouri Ozark (MOFLUX) Site: 2003-2022

Litter production has been measured at the second-growth upland oak-hickory forest at the Missouri Ozark AmeriFlux (MOFLUX) site. The MOFLUX site is located in the University of Missouri Baskett Wildlife Research area (BWREA), situated in the Ozark Border Region of central Missouri, USA, and is part of the AmeriFlux network (site ID: US-MOz). During 2003, 24 circular vegetation plots (each 0.08 ha) were established in the MOFLUX forest. The plots were situated 50 m apart on 5 linear transects radiating out from the flux tower base in SE, S, SW, W and NW directions—there were 5 plots per transect except for the NW one, which had only 4 due to the presence of a small pond at the terminus. Litter measurements were initiated in October 2003 and continue to the present. Data through 2015 are reported in this current dataset.


Wood JD, SG Pallardy, L Gu, KP Hosman, and BW Widmer. 2023. Litter Production of OakHickory Forest at Missouri Ozark (MOFLUX) Site: 2003-2022. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, TES SFA, U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A.

User's Guide: Open Data User's Guide

Data Files: Download Data File

Leaf-area index of Oak-Hickory Forest at Missouri Ozark (MOFLUX) site: 2007–2022

This data set contains weekly measurements of leaf-area index (LAI) at the Missouri Ozark (MOFLUX) site during growing seasons from 2007-2022. The MOFLUX site is located in the University of Missouri Baskett Forest, a second growth oak-hickory forest situated in the Ozark Border Region of central Missouri, USA. MOFLUX is part of the AmeriFlux network (site ID: US-MOz) and an eddy covariance tower marks the middle of the site. During 2003, 24 circular vegetation plots (each 0.08 ha) were established within a ~250 m radius around the tower. The plots were situated 50 m apart along 5 linear transects radiating out from the flux tower base in SE, S, SW, W and NW directions. There were 5 plots per transect except for the NW one, which had only 4 due to the presence of a small pond at the terminus.

At weekly intervals during the growing season, leaf-area index measurements were taken within each vegetation plot on the 5 transects running from the central flux tower. A plant canopy analyzer (model LAI-2000 Li-Cor Inc., Lincoln NE) was used to make the LAI measurements. We collected samples to enable measurement of the mean LAI of each transect. Data are contained in one comma-separated (*.csv) file.


Wood, JD, BW Widmer, D Anderson, SG Pallardy, L Gu, and KP Hosman. Leaf-Area Index of Oak-Hickory Forest at Missouri Ozark (MOFLUX) Site: 2007–2022. 2022.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, TES SFA, U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A.

User's Guide: Open Data User's Guide

Data Files: Download Data File

Eddy Flux and Meteorology over Deciduous Forest, Prairie, and Soybean Ecosystems in Missouri, USA, during the Total Solar Eclipse of 2017

Eddy fluxes and meteorology data are reported at high temporal resolution for three flux tower sites in Mid-Missouri before, during, and after the Total Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017. Mid-Missouri experienced up to 2 minutes and 40 seconds of totality at around solar noon during the eclipse. The sites are located in deciduous oak-hickory forest, native prairie, and soybean ecosystems. Eddy fluxes were computed using a wavelet-based approach that permitted the calculation of two-minute mean fluxes without losing low frequency flux contributions. During the eclipse, standard meteorological variables were sampled and recorded at 5 second intervals. The two-minute means of fluxes and meteorology are reported.


Wood, J.D., E.J. Sadler, N.I. Fox, S.T. Greer, L. Gu, P.E. Guinan, A.R. Lupo, P.S. Market, S.M. Rochette, A. Speck, and L.D. White. Eddy Flux and Meteorology over Deciduous Forest, Prairie, and Soybean Ecosystems in Missouri, USA, during the Total Solar Eclipse of 2017. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, TES SFA, U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A. 

User's Guide: Open Data User's Guide

Data Files: Download Data File (one *.zip file with 3 *.nc files)

Vegetation Inventory of Oak-Hickory Forest at Missouri Ozark (MOFLUX) Site: 2004-2017

Vegetation inventory observations have been taken during years 2004 through 2017 at the second-growth upland oak-hickory forest at the Missouri Ozark AmeriFlux (MOFLUX) site. The MOFLUX site is located in the University of Missouri Baskett Wildlife Research area (BWREA), situated in the Ozark Border Region of central Missouri, USA, and is part of the AmeriFlux network (site ID: US-MOz).


Pallardy, S.G., Gu, L., Wood, J.D., Hosman, K.P., and Hook, L.A. 2019. Vegetation Inventory of Oak-Hickory Forest at Missouri Ozark (MOFLUX) Site: 2004-2017. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, TES SFA, U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A. Access online at: 

User's Guide:Open Data User's Guide

Data Files: Download Data File (one *.csv file)

Related paper describing predawn leaf water potential measurements: Gu et al., 2015 and Supplemental material

Published paper describing The importance of drought-pathogen interactions in driving oak mortality events in the Ozark Border Region: Wood et al., 2018

Predawn Leaf Water Potential of Oak-Hickory Forest at Missouri Ozark (MOFLUX) Site: 2004-2021 (Updated November 2022)

Measurements of predawn leaf water potential (PLWP) have been made at weekly to biweekly intervals during the 2004 to 2021 growing seasons of the second-growth upland oak-hickory forests at the Missouri Ozark AmeriFlux (MOFLUX) site. The MOFLUX site is located in the University of Missouri Baskett Wildlife Research area (BWREA), situated in the Ozark Border Region of central Missouri, USA.


Pallardy, S.G., Gu, L., Wood, J.D., Hosman, K.P., and Sun, Y. 2018. Predawn Leaf Water Potential of Oak-Hickory Forest at Missouri Ozark (MOFLUX) Site: 2004-2021. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, TES SFA, U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A. 

User's Guide: Open Data User's Guide

Data Files: Download Data File (one *.csv file)

Published paper describing predawn leaf water potential measurements: Gu et al., 2015 and Supplemental material

Flux Measurements at the Missouri Ozark Flux (MOFLUX)

The MOFLUX site is part of the AmeriFlux network and site characteristic and data are available from the AmeriFlux web site ( The MOFLUX data acquisition systems include EC instrumentation, meteorological and radiation sensors, vertical profiles of CO2, H2O, temperature and humidity, soil respiration systems, minirhizontron observations, and vertical profiles of soil temperature and water content.

Access MOFLUX Measurement Data

Impact of mesophyll diffusion on estimated global land CO2 fertilization.

A new publication by: Ying Sun(a), Lianhong Gu(b,1), Robert E. Dickinson(a,1), Richard J. Norby(b), Stephen G. Pallardy(c), and Forrest M. Hoffman(d) (a)Department of Geological Sciences, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712; (b)Environmental Sciences Division and Climate Change Science Institute, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831; (c)Department of Forestry, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211; and (d)Climate Change Science Institute and Computational Earth Sciences Group, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831 Citation: Ying Sun, Lianhong Gu, Robert E. Dickinson, Richard J. Norby, Stephen G. Pallardy, and Forrest M. Hoffman. Impact of mesophyll diffusion on estimated global land CO2 fertilization. PNAS 2014 ; published ahead of print October 13, 2014, doi:10.1073/pnas.1418075111 Abstract: In C3 plants, CO2 concentrations drop considerably along mesophyll diffusion pathways from substomatal cavities to chloroplasts where CO2 assimilation occurs. Global carbon cycle models have not explicitly represented this internal drawdown and therefore overestimate CO2 available for carboxylation and underestimate photosynthetic responsiveness to atmospheric CO2. An explicit consideration of mesophyll diffusion increases the modeled cumulative CO2 fertilization effect (CFE) for global gross primary production (GPP) from 915 to 1,057 PgC for the period of 1901–2010. This increase represents a 16% correction, which is large enough to explain the persistent overestimation of growth rates of historical atmospheric CO2 by Earth system models. Without this correction, the CFE for global GPP is underestimated by 0.05 PgC/y/ppm. This finding implies that the contemporary terrestrial biosphere is more CO2 limited than previously thought.

Tool for Evaluating Mesophyll Impact on Predicting Photosynthesis (TEMIPP)

TEMIPP is a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet-based tool used for demonstrating the impact of lacking an explicit representation of mesophyll diffusion in a photosynthetic model on the predicted response of photosynthesis to the increase in CO2 partial pressures. Download TEMIPP | Download TEMIPP Instructions

Belowground respiration, root traits, and soil characteristics of an East Tennessee deciduous forest, 2019-2020

This dataset contains empirical physiological, morphological, and chemical data of root systems, and elemental, nutrient content for soils collected on forty individuals of eight temperate tree species, between June 2019 and July 2020 at The University of Tennessee Forest Research Center and Arboretum in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. The project used a novel methodology to empirically derive estimates of the autotrophic and heterotrophic components of soil respiration in-situ. The project consists of two measurement approaches. The first set of measurements uses a standard approach for measuring specific root respiration on excised root systems. The second used “in-situ root trays”
This dataset includes 10 data files in comma separated (*.csv) ASCII format. Data include measurements of leaf and root functional traits for excised root systems and for living root systems housed within in-situ root trays, data on soil carbon and nitrogen pools, in-situ measurements of soil moisture and temperature, data on soil respiration rates for in-situ root trays (both as soil mass-based fluxes, and soil-area based fluxes), and data on the geographic coordinates and tree sizes of study trees. Forty study trees of eight temperate tree species were studied (five individuals per species). Two in-situ root trays were installed per species, each housing one entire root system comprising <3 root orders, and still being attached to the tree via transportive root.
All respiration measurements were conducted with the Li-6800 portable photosynthesis system (Li-COR, Lincoln, NE, USA). Root respiration measurements of excised root tissues were made using the Li-6800 and the Walz 3010-GWK1 gas exchange chamber (Heinz Walz GmbH, Effeltrich, Germany). Root scan images were analyzed using WinRHIZO. These images are companion files to this dataset and are contained in two compressed (*.zip) folders.


Hogan, J.A., J.L. Labbé, A.A. Carell, J. Franklin, K.P. Hoyt, O.J. Valverde-Barrantes, C. Baraloto & J.M. Warren. 2022. Belowground respiration, root traits, and soil characteristics of an East Tennessee deciduous forest, 2019-2020. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, TES SFA, U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A.

User's GuideGuide for Belowground respiration, root traits, and soil characteristics

Data Files*: Download Belowground respiration, root traits, and soil characteristics files (one .zip file) 

* WinRHIZO images are currently available by request, please contact or 

MOFLUX Intensified Soil Moisture Extremes Decrease Soil Organic Carbon Decomposition: Modeling Archive

This Modeling Archive is in support of a TES-SFA publication “Intensified Soil Moisture Extremes Decrease Soil Organic Carbon Decomposition: A Mechanistic Modeling Analysis” (Liang et al., 2021).

Here we provide model code, inputs, outputs and evaluation datasets for the Microbial ENzyme Decomposition (MEND) model for the Missouri Ozarks AmeriFlux eddy covariance measurement site (MOFLUX) near Ashland, Missouri USA. The MEND model was developed with explicit representation of microbial and enzyme pools to mechanistically simulate the role of microbial organisms and extracellular enzymes in soil organic carbon (SOC) decomposition.


Liang, J., Wang, G., Singh, S., Jagadamma, S., Gu, L., Schadt, C. W., Wood, J. D., Hanson, P. J., Mayes, M. A. 2021. MOFLUX Intensified Soil Moisture Extremes Decrease Soil Organic Carbon Decomposition: Modeling Archive. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, TES SFA, U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A. 

User's Guide: Open Model Archive User's Guide

Data Files: Download Modeling Archive files (one .zip file)

MAAT Modeling Archive

Biological Mechanisms May Contribute to Soil Carbon Saturation Patterns: Modeling Archive

This Modeling Archive is in support of the TES-SFA publication: Craig ME, Mayes MA, Sulman BN, Walker AP. Biological mechanisms may contribute to soil carbon saturation patterns. Global Change Biology.

Investigators ran and evaluated a multi-assumption soil organic carbon (SOC) model to investigate whether alternative assumptions regarding constraints on soil microbial biomass could lead to soil carbon saturation patterns. We developed this model in the Multi-Assumption Architecture and Testbed (MAAT,, tag: v1.2.1_Craig2021).

Using MAAT, we embedded three alternative hypotheses in a microbially explicit three-pool SOC model: 1) the efficiency of mineral-associated SOC formation decreases as mineral-associated SOC approaches a maximum value (“Mineral saturation”), 2) the microbial biomass turnover rate increases with increasing microbial biomass (“Density-dependent turnover”), and 3) community carbon use efficiency decreases as microbial biomass increases toward an upper limit (“Density-dependent growth”). We ran a factorial combination of these hypotheses resulting in eight models for three different classes of model (linear decay, Michaelis-Menten decay, or reverse Michaelis-Menten decay), resulting in 24 models, 12 of which are presented or discussed in the related publication.

This archive contains output from three MAAT simulations, and scripts to run these simulations and process and plot the data.


Matthew E. Craig, Anthony P. Walker. 2021. Biological Mechanisms May Contribute to Soil Carbon Saturation Patterns: Modeling Archive. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, TES SFA, U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A. 

Data Files: Download Data File (one *.zip file 15 model archive files)

User's Guide: Open Modeling Archive User's Guide

MAAT Data Compilation

++++ Microbial Biomass in Soils Receiving Varying Levels of Organic Inputs - A Data Compilation

This dataset contains soil microbial biomass data compiled from published laboratory studies and field manipulations of organic inputs to soils. Each study included at least three levels of a given type of organic input applied to a given type of soil. Studies were selected from the literature that had experimentally manipulated organic input rates to soils using unburned, non-synthetic material (e.g. plant litters, manures, and composts). Fifty-five (55) studies, conducted from 1997 to October 2019, were chosen and compiled into a dataset with 358 observations from 96 combinations of a given organic material applied to a given soil in agricultural systems, laboratory incubations, forests, or grasslands.

User's Guide: Open Data User's Guide

Data Files: Download Data Files (two *.csv files and an R file in one *.zip file)

The third version of FRED is now available! And it has a new look. FRED 3.0 has been encoded into database form and we have developed a Searchable Interface that will allow root ecologists to filter the observations in FRED according to their scientific needs. Obtain access to the Interface through the FRED website ( Prior to downloading data, please read and follow the Data Use Guidelines (, and it's worth checking out the tips for using FRED ( before you begin your analyses.

FRED 3.0 has more than 150,000 observations of more than 330 root traits, with data collected from more than 1400 data sources. FRED 3.0 has 45% more root trait observations than FRED 2.0, particularly in the categories of root anatomy, morphology, and microbial associations. Ancillary data on associated site, vegetation, edaphic, and climatic conditions from across the globe have also increased concurrently with root trait observations.

Physiological Responses of Populus trichocarpa to Warming - Root Function

This data set contains empirical physiological, morphological, and chemical data collected over time on Western Black Cottonwood (Populs trichocarpa Torr. & A.Gray ex Hook., Salicaceae) clones, between July and December 2019 at Oak Ridge National Lab. The project was designed to experimentally warm P. trichocarpa clones and assess their physiological acclimation of leaves versus roots. Ninety genetically identical clones were planted into specially constructed mesocosm growth boxes and grown  at three temperature treatments. The daytime air temperatures of treatments were approximately 25°C, 29°C, and 33°C.  Measurements on plant physiology and growth were conducted at various intervals throughout the experiment.  Two data files were updated on July 7, 2020. Users please download new files.


Hogan, J.A., Baraloto, C., Ficken, C.D., Clark, M.D., Weston, D.M., Warren, J.M. 2020. Physiological Responses of Populus trichocarpa to Warming. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, TES SFA, U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A.    

User's Guide:Open Data User's Guide

Data Files: Download Data File (one *.zip file with 9 *.csv files)

Soil Respiration and Microbial Biomass from Soil Incubations with 13C Labeled Additions

This data set provides the respiration and soil microbial biomass data from a series of short and long-term laboratory incubation experiments with 13C labeled substrates to examine how plant communities (forest vs. grassland), edaphic properties, and microbial communities influence C cycling and the long-term fate of C in soil systems. Paired forest and grassland soils from four locations were incubated with 13C labeled glucose in a short-term (144 hours) study while 13C labeled cellulose was added to soils used in the long-term (729 days) study. Soil respiration, microbial biomass, and soil 13C values were monitored throughout the study.


Kluber, Laurel A., Phillips, Jana R., Singh, Shikha, Jagadamma, Sindhu, Wang, Gangsheng, Schadt, Chris W., and Mayes, Melanie A. 2020. Soil Respiration and Microbial Biomass from Soil Incubations with 13C Labeled Additions. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, TES SFA, U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A.

User's Guide: Open Data User's Guide

Data Files: Download Soil Respiration and Microbial Biomass Data (one .csv file)

Organic Carbon Sorption and Decomposition in Selected Global Soils

This data set reports the results of lab-scale experiments conducted to investigate the dynamics of organic carbon (C) decomposition from several soils from temperate, tropical, arctic, and sub-arctic environments. Results were used to test the newly developed soil microbe decomposition carbon model -- Microbial-ENzyme-mediated Decomposition (MEND). There are 25 *.csv data files included in this data set, a Data Dictionary, and two of the resulting published articles.


Jagadamma, S., Mayes, M.A., Steinweg, J.M., Wang, G., Post, W.M. 2014. Organic Carbon Sorption and Decomposition in Selected Global Soils. Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A. 

User's Guide:Open Data User's Guide

Data Dictionary: Open Data Dictionary

Data Files: Download Data Files (25 files in one *.zip file)

Published papers describing laboratory experiments and development of MEND model parameters, respectively: Jagadamma et al., 2014 and Wang et al., 2013

Walker Branch Watershed -- Griffiths and Johnson, 2018

Effect of Dual Nitrogen and Phosphorus Additions on Nutrient Uptake and Saturation Kinetics

Dataset reports the results of field experiments investigating the effect of dual nutrient (nitrogen and phosphorus) additions on nutrient uptake and saturation kinetics in the West Fork of Walker Branch, a headwater stream on the Oak Ridge Reservation in east Tennessee.


Griffiths, N.A., and L.T. Johnson. 2018. Walker Branch Watershed: Effect of Dual Nitrogen and Phosphorus Additions on Nutrient Uptake and Saturation Kinetics, 2011-2012. Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A. 

User's Guide: Open Data User's Guide

Data Files: Download Data Files (five *.csv files in one *.zip file)

Published paper describing nutrient (nitrogen and phosphorus) additions on nutrient uptake and saturation kinetics: Griffiths and Johnson, 2018

Griffiths, N.A., and L.T. Johnson. 2018. Influence of dual nitrogen and phosphorus additions on nutrient uptake and saturation kinetics in a forested headwater stream. Freshwater Science 37:810-825.

Walker Branch Watershed -- Recent Observations

++++ Temperature Response of Organic-Matter Decomposition in a Headwater Stream

This data set reports the results of a field study investigating the effect of temperature on organic-matter decomposition in the West Fork of Walker Branch, a headwater stream on the Oak Ridge Reservation in east Tennessee.


Griffiths, N.A., and S.D. Tiegs. 2016. Walker Branch Watershed: Temperature Response of Organic-Matter Decomposition in a Headwater Stream.  Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A. 

User's Guide: Open Data User's Guide

Data Files: Download Data Files (six *.csv files in one *.zip file)

Published paper describing effect of temperature on organic-matter decomposition in a headwater stream: Griffiths and Tiegs, 2016

Griffiths, N.A., and S. D. Tiegs. 2016. Organic-matter decomposition along a temperature gradient in a forested headwater stream. Freshwater Science 2016 35:2, 518-533.

Daily Climate and Soil Temperature Data

This data set reports daily climate and soil temperature data for Walker Branch Watershed. As part of the long-term Walker Branch project, daily climate and soil temperature data were collected using instruments on a meteorological tower located in an upper slope of the watershed. This data set contains one data file (*.csv) of daily climate and soil temperature data from 1993 through 2010.


Mulholland, P.J., and N.A. Griffiths. 2016. Walker Branch Watershed: Daily Climate and Soil Temperature Data.  Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A. 

User's Guide: Open Data User's Guide

Data Files: Download Climate and Soil Temperature Data

15-minute and Daily Stream Discharge and Annual Runoff

This data set reports 15-minute and daily stream discharge, and annual runoff for the West and East Forks draining Walker Branch Watershed (WBW). The long-term Walker Branch Hydrology Monitoring project was intended to document changes in the water balance (precipitation inputs, stream discharge outputs) for the WBW over time. This data set contains three data files (*.csv) of stream discharge (L/s) for 15-minute and daily intervals, and annual runoff (cm). The daily and annual data sets began in 1969 in both East and West Forks, while the 15-minute data sets began in 1994 in both Forks. Data were collected through 2014 for the West Fork, and through 2012 for the East Fork.


Mulholland, P.J., and N.A. Griffiths. 2016. Walker Branch Watershed: 15-minute and Daily Stream Discharge and Annual Runoff.  Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A. 

User's Guide: Open Data User's Guide

Data Files:

Hourly, Daily, and Annual Precipitation

This data set reports hourly, daily, and annual precipitation in Walker Branch Watershed (WBW). The long-term Walker Branch Hydrology Monitoring project was intended to document changes in the water balance (precipitation inputs, stream discharge outputs) for the WBW over time. This data set contains three data files (*.csv) of precipitation amount for hourly, monthly, and annual intervals for the years 1969 through 2012. Five rain gauges were used from 1969-1979, and two rain gauges were used from 1980-2012.


Mulholland, P.J., and N.A. Griffiths. 2016. Walker Branch Watershed: Hourly, Daily, and Annual Precipitation.  Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A. 

User's Guide: Open Data User's Guide

Data Files:

Weekly Stream Water Chemistry

This data set reports weekly stream water chemistry in the West and East Forks of Walker Branch Watershed (WBW). The long-term Walker Branch stream chemistry monitoring is intended to provide data on watershed output of chemicals via streamflow and long-term changes in stream chemical composition. This data set contains two data files (*.csv) of stream water chemistry collected at weekly time intervals from 1989 through 2013.


Mulholland, P.J., and N.A. Griffiths. 2016. Walker Branch Watershed: Weekly Stream Water Chemistry.  Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A. 

User's Guide: Open Data User's Guide

Data Files:

Walker Branch Watershed – Long-Term Hydrology, Stream Ecology, Forest Characterization, and Biogeochemistry Data

Walker Branch watershed has been the site of long-term, intensive environmental studies since the late-1960's by staff from the Environmental Sciences Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, staff from the Atmospheric Turbulence and Diffusion Division, Air Resources Laboratory, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, and many visiting university researchers.

Access additional Walker Branch Watershed historical site information at ORNL Website


LeafWeb is a TES SFA-funded web-based tool for the automated numerical analyses of leaf gas exchange measurements. LeafWeb is a SErvice-in-Exchange-for-Data-Sharing (SEEDS) Project. With the approval of the user, the data LeafWeb receives are preserved and added to a global database of biochemical, physiological, and biophysical properties of single leaves to support studies of plant functions and terrestrial carbon cycle modeling.

Access LeafWeb at


Leafweb: Dataset in Support of Coupled Modeling of Photophysics, Photochemistry, and Biochemistry of Photosynthesis, December 2022 Release

This data set contains measurements of leaf gas exchange and Pulse-Amplitude Modulated (PAM) fluorometry of light, CO2, O2, and temperature responses from 26 C3 and four C4 species measured by independent researchers in Canada, China, Finland, The Netherlands, and USA in the field, garden, or greenhouse. Data were collected between 1987 and 2021, however data for individual species only provide coverage over a few hours to one year. Species include three lianas, three shrubs, two boreal deciduous trees, two boreal evergreen needle-leaf tree, three temperate deciduous trees, four tropical deciduous trees, three tropical evergreen trees, one C3 grass, three C4 grasses, and six crop varieties. These measurements are conducted according to standard protocols in gas exchange (Long and Bernacchi 2003) and PAM fluorometry (Baker 2008). The Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) dataset contains one-year continuous fluorometry observations made at intervals of 10 or 30 minutes in the field under natural environments using Walz monitoring PAM. Measurements from all other 29 species include simultaneous PAM fluorometry and gas exchange observations. Among these 29 species, seven species were measured with light response curves only (i.e., light intensity varied systematically with ambient CO2 concentration controlled at a constant level, e.g., 400 ppm). All the other 22 species were measured with both the light response and CO2 response (i.e., ambient CO2 concentration varied systematically with light intensity controlled at a constant level, e.g., 1200 µmolm-2s-1). For most species, measurements were made with temperature controlled at ~ 25 oC with the exceptions of Scots pine (natural diurnal and seasonal variations), tomato cultivar Basket Vee (~ 21 oC), and cotton which contained temperature stress experiments (9 to 40 oC). All measurements were made at ambient O2 concentration except for the tomato cultivar Basket Vee and cotton which used two O2 levels (2 and 21%) and rice and tomato cultivar Growdena which used five O2 levels (2, 10, 21, 35, and 50%). This data set contains 260 comma-separated (*.csv) files contained as a compressed (*.zip) file.


Han J, Y-J Zhang, Y Sun, T Marie, B Grodzinski, X Yin, A Porcar-Castell, JA Berry, and L Gu. 2022. Leafweb: Dataset in Support of Coupled Modeling of Photophysics, Photochemistry, and Biochemistry of Photosynthesis, December 2022 Release.  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, TES SFA, U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A.

User's Guide: Open Data User's Guide

Data Files: Download Data File


PiTS-1: Carbon Partitioning in Loblolly Pine after 13C Labeling and Shade Treatments

This data set reports the results of the Partitioning in Trees and Soil (PiTS-1) field investigation that examined how carbon partitioning in a stand of loblolly pine trees varied with short-term changes in gross primary production (GPP) due to shading. These measurements were made over range of June 2010 through May 2011 with most samples and measurements collected from July to September 2010 near the 13CO2 labeling event. There are 19 comma-separated ASCII data files provided with this data set.


Warren, J.M., C.M. Iversen, C.T. Garten, Jr, R.J. Norby, J. Childs, D. Brice, R.M. Evans, L. Gu, P. Thornton, and D.J. Weston. 2013. PiTS-1: Carbon Partitioning in Loblolly Pine after 13C Labeling and Shade Treatments. Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A. 

Global, Regional, and National Fossil-Fuel CO2 Emissions

Each year estimates of carbon releases from fossil-fuel consumption and cement production are generated. Emissions from fossil-fuel burning represent the largest anthropogenic source of carbon to the atmosphere and are an important contributor to elevated atmospheric CO2 levels. Annual fossil-fuel CO2 emission time series are prepared at global and national scales and these time series serve as building blocks for other data products including gridded (1 x 1) emission time series. Details regarding the methods used to produce these time series and data products may be found on the CDIAC website.

Access Emission Data and Documentation

Boden, T.A., G. Marland, and R.J. Andres. 2013. Global, Regional, and National Fossil-Fuel CO2 Emissions. Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, Tenn., U.S.A. doi 10.3334/CDIAC/00001_V2013

Spruce and Peatland Responses Under Changing Environments (SPRUCE)

Access publicly available SPRUCE Data and Documentation