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P Chinnasamy

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Chinnasamy P, Hubbart JA. Measuring and modeling shallow groundwater flow between a semi-karst border stream and Ozark forested riparian zone in the central USA. Journal of Scientific Research and Reports. 2014;3:844-865. doi:10.9734/JSRR/2014/7711$\#$sthash.hc3dzq8i.dpuf.
Chinnasamy P, Hubbart JA. Potential of MODFLOW to model hydrological interactions in a semikarst floodplain of the Ozark border forest in the central United States. Earth Interactions. 2014;18. doi:10.1175/EI-D-14-0015.1.
Chinnasamy P, Hubbart JA. Stream and shallow groundwater nutrient concentrations in an Ozark forested riparian zone of the central USA. Environmental Earth Sciences. 2014;75:6577-6590. doi:10.1007/s12665- 014-3880-7.