"Sources of Uncertainty in Regional and Global Terrestrial CO <sub>2</sub> Exchange Estimates",Global Biogeochemical Cycles,vol. 34,no. 2,2020.
,"The fungal collaboration gradient dominates the root economics space in plants",Science Advances,vol. 6,no. 27,2020.
,"Resprouting Responses Dynamics of Schima superba Following a Severe Ice Storm in Early 2008 in Southern China: A Six-Year Study",Forests,vol. 11,no. 2,pp. 184,2020.
,"Systematic Assessment of Retrieval Methods for Canopy Far‐Red Solar‐Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Using High‐Frequency Automated Field Spectroscopy",Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences,vol. 125,no. 7,2020.
,"An Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) for concurrent measurements of solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence and hyperspectral reflectance toward improving crop monitoring",Agricultural and Forest Meteorology,vol. 294,pp. 108145,2020.
,"Moisture availability mediates the relationship between terrestrial gross primary production and solar‐induced chlorophyll fluorescence: Insights from global‐scale variations",Global Change Biology,vol. 27,no. 6,pp. 1144-1156,2020.
,"Spatiotemporal dynamics of ecosystem fires and biomass burning-induced carbon emissions in China over the past two decades",Geography and Sustainability,vol. 1,no. 1,pp. 47-58,2020.
,"Spatiotemporal dynamics of ecosystem fires and biomass burning-induced carbon emissions in China over the past two decades",Geography and Sustainability,vol. 1,no. 1,pp. 47-58,2020.
,"High‐resolution minirhizotrons advance our understanding of root‐fungal dynamics in an experimentally warmed peatland",PLANTS, PEOPLE, PLANET,vol. 3,no. 5,pp. 640-652,2020.
,"Eastern US deciduous tree species respond dissimilarly to declining soil moisture but similarly to rising evaporative demand",Tree Physiology,vol. 41,no. 6,pp. 944-959,2020.
,"The maximum carboxylation rate of Rubisco affects CO2 refixation in temperate broadleaved forest trees",Plant Physiology and Biochemistry,vol. 155,pp. 330-337,2020.
"The xylem of anisohydric Quercus alba L. is more vulnerable to embolism than isohydric codominants",Plant, Cell & Environment,vol. 45,no. 2,pp. 329-346,2021.
,"Novel metabolic interactions and environmental conditions mediate the boreal peatmoss-cyanobacteria mutualism",The ISME Journal,vol. 16,no. 4,pp. 1074-1085,2021.
,"Unpacking the drivers of diurnal dynamics of sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF): Canopy structure, plant physiology, instrument configuration and retrieval methods",Remote Sensing of Environment,vol. 265,pp. 112672,2021.
,"The Ecology Underground coalition: building a collaborative future of belowground ecology and ecologists",New Phytologist,vol. 229,no. 6,pp. 3058-3064,2021.
,"A reporting format for leaf-level gas exchange data and metadata",Ecological Informatics,vol. 61,pp. 101232,2021.
,"Long‐term hydrological, biogeochemical, and climatological data from Walker Branch Watershed, East Tennessee, USA",Hydrological Processes,vol. 35,no. 3,2021.
,"The roles of photochemical and non-photochemical quenching in regulating photosynthesis depend on the phases of fluctuating light conditions",Tree Physiology,vol. 42,no. 4,pp. 848-861,2021.
,"Intensified Soil Moisture Extremes Decrease Soil Organic Carbon Decomposition: A Mechanistic Modeling Analysis",Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences,vol. 126,no. 8,2021.
,"Mycorrhizal associations of tree species influence soil nitrogen dynamics via effects on soil acid–base chemistry",Global Ecology and Biogeography,vol. 31,no. 1,pp. 168-182,2021.
,"Dynamic global vegetation models underestimate net CO2 flux mean and inter-annual variability in dryland ecosystems",Environmental Research Letters,vol. 16,no. 9,pp. 094023,2021.
,"Modelled land use and land cover change emissions – a spatio-temporal comparison of different approaches",Earth System Dynamics,vol. 12,no. 2,pp. 635-670,2021.
,"Warming and elevated CO2 promote rapid incorporation and degradation of plant‐derived organic matter in an ombrotrophic peatland",Global Change Biology,vol. 28,no. 3,pp. 883-898,2021.
,"Considering coasts: Adapting terrestrial models to characterize coastal wetland ecosystems",Ecological Modelling,vol. 450,pp. 109561,2021.