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Title [Year]


Roger Francey, Cathy Trudinger, Marcel van der Schoot, Rachel Law, Paul Krummel, Ray Langenfelds, Paul Steele, Colin Allison, Ann Stavert, Robert Andres, Christian Rödenbeck,"Atmospheric verification of anthropogenic CO2 emission trends",Nature Climate Change,vol. 3,pp. 520-524,2013.
T. Saeki, S. Maksyutov, M. Sasakawa, T. Machida, M. Arshinov, P. Tans, T. Conway, M. Saito, V. Valsala, T. Oda, RJ Andres, D. Belikov,"Carbon flux estimation for Siberia by inverse modeling constrained by aircraft and tower CO <sub>2</sub> measurements",Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,vol. 118,pp. 1100-1122,2013.
Karis McFarlane, MS Torn, Paul Hanson, Rachel Porras, Christopher Swanston, Mac Callaham, Thomas Guilderson,"Comparison of soil organic matter dynamics at five temperate deciduous forests with physical fractionation and radiocarbon measurements",Biogeochemistry,vol. 112,pp. 457-476,2013.
Sindhu Jagadamma, Megan Steinweg, Melanie Mayes, Gangsheng Wang, Wilfred Post,"Decomposition of added and native organic carbon from physically separated fractions of diverse soils",Biology and Fertility of Soils,2013.
M. Kang, E. Perfect, C.L. Cheng, H.Z. Bilheux, M. Gragg, D.M. Wright, J.M. Lamanna, J. Horita, J.M. Warren,"Diffusivity and Sorptivity of Berea Sandstone Determined using Neutron Radiography",Vadose Zone Journal,vol. 12,2013.
X. Yang, W.M. Post, P. Thornton, A. Jain,"The distribution of soil phosphorus for global biogeochemical modeling",Biogeosciences,vol. 10,pp. 2525-2537,2013.
B Bandaru, TO West, DM Ricciuto, C Izaurralde,"Estimating crop net primary production using inventory data and MODIS-derived parameters",ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing,vol. 80,pp. 61-71,2013.
Brett Raczka, Kenneth Davis, Deborah Huntzinger, Ronald Neilson, Benjamin Poulter, Andrew Richardson, Jingfeng Xiao, Ian Baker, Philippe Ciais, Trevor Keenan, Beverly Law, Wilfred Post, Daniel Ricciuto, Kevin Schaefer, Hanqin Tian, Enrico Tomelleri, Hans Verbeeck, Nicolas Viovy,"Evaluation of continental carbon cycle simulations with North American flux tower observations",Ecological Monographs,vol. 83,pp. 531-556,2013.
Martin De Kauwe, Belinda Medlyn, Sönke Zaehle, Anthony Walker, Michael Dietze, Thomas Hickler, Atul Jain, Y Luo, William Parton, Colin Prentice, Benjamin Smith, Peter Thornton, Shusen Wang, Ying-Ping Wang, David arlind, Ensheng Weng, Kristine Crous, David Ellsworth, Paul Hanson, Hyun- Kim, Jeffery Warren, Ram Oren, Richard Norby,"Forest water use and water use efficiency at elevated CO <sub>2</sub> : a model-data intercomparison at two contrasting temperate forest FACE sites",Global Change Biology,vol. 19,pp. 1759-1779,2013.
C. e, RJ Andres, T. Boden, T. Conway, R. Houghton, J. House, G. Marland, G. Peters, G. van der Werf, A. öm, R. Andrew, L. Bopp, J. Canadell, P. Ciais, S. Doney, C. Enright, P. Friedlingstein, C. Huntingford, A.K. Jain, C. Jourdain, E. Kato, R. Keeling, Klein Goldewijk, S. Levis, P. Levy, M. Lomas, B. Poulter, M. Raupach, J. Schwinger, S. Sitch, B. Stocker, N. Viovy, S. Zaehle, N. Zeng,"The global carbon budget 1959-2011",Earth System Science Data,vol. 5,pp. 165-185,2013.
Jiafu Mao, Xiaoying Shi, Peter Thornton, Forrest Hoffman, Zaichun Zhu, Ranga Myneni,"Global Latitudinal-Asymmetric Vegetation Growth Trends and Their Driving Mechanisms: 1982-2009",Remote Sensing,vol. 5,pp. 1484-1497,2013.
C. Bell, B. Fricks, J. Rocca, J. Steinweg, S. McMahon, M. Wallenstein,"High-throughput Fluorometric Measurement of Potential Soil Extracellular Enzyme Activities",Journal of Visualized Experiments,vol. 81,2013.
Ray Nassar, Louis Napier-Linton, Kevin Gurney, Robert Andres, Tomohiro Oda, Felix Vogel, Feng Deng,"Improving the temporal and spatial distribution of CO <sub>2</sub> emissions from global fossil fuel emission data sets",Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,vol. 118,pp. 917-933,2013.
T. Saeki, S. Maksyutov, M. Saito, V. Valsala, T. Oda, RJ Andres, D. Belikov, P. Tans, E. Dlugokencky, Y. Yoshida, I. Morino, O. Uchino, T. Yokota,"Inverse Modeling of CO2 Fluxes Using GOSAT Data and Multi-Year Ground-Based Observations",SOLA,vol. 9,pp. 45-50,2013.
Dafeng Hui, Melanie Mayes, Gangsheng Wang,"Kinetic parameters of phosphatase: A quantitative synthesis",Soil Biology and Biochemistry,vol. 65,pp. 105-113,2013.
J.M. Warren, Hassina Bilheux, Misun Kang, Sophie Voisin, Chu-Lin Cheng, Juske Horita, Edmund Perfect,"Neutron imaging reveals internal plant water dynamics",Plant and Soil,vol. 366,pp. 683-693,2013.
D. Huntzinger, C. Schwalm, A. Michalak, K. Schaefer, A. King, Y. Wei, A. Jacobson, S. Liu, R. Cook, W.M. Post, G. Berthier, D. Hayes, M. Huang, A. Ito, H. Lei, C. Lu, J. Mao, C. Peng, S. Peng, B. Poulter, D. Riccuito, X. Shi, H. Tian, W. Wang, N. Zeng, F. Zhao, Q. Zhu,"The North American Carbon Program Multi-Scale Synthesis and Terrestrial Model Intercomparison Project - Part 1: Overview and experimental design",Geoscientific Model Development,vol. 6,pp. 2121-2133,2013.
Gangsheng Wang, Wilfred Post,"A note on the reverse Michaelis-Menten kinetics",Soil Biology and Biochemistry,vol. 57,pp. 946-949,2013.
Roger Francey, Cathy Trudinger, M van der Schoot, RM Law, Paul Krummel, Ray Langenfelds, LP Steele, Colin Allison, Ann Stavert, RJ Andres, C. Rödenbeck,"Reply to comment on atmospheric verification of anthropogenic CO2 emission trends",Nature Climate Change,vol. 3,2013.
Xiaoying Shi, Jiafu Mao, Peter Thornton, Maoyi Huang,"Spatiotemporal patterns of evapotranspiration in response to multiple environmental factors simulated by the Community Land Model",Environmental Research Letters,vol. 8,pp. 024012,2013.
A.G. Barr, AD Richardson, DY Hollinger, D. Papale, M.A. Arain, T.A. Black, G. Bohrer, D Dragoni, M.L. Fischer, L Gu, B.E. Law, H.A. Margolis, J.H. McCaughey, J.W. Munger, W. Oechel, K. Schaeffer,"Use of change-point detection for friction-velocity threshold evaluation in eddy-covariance studies",Agricultural and Forest Meteorology,vol. 171-172,pp. 31-45,2013.
M. Kang, H.Z. Bilheux, S. Voisin, C.L. Cheng, E. Perfect, J. Horita, J.M. Warren,"Water calibration measurements for neutron radiography: Application to water content quantification in porous media",Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment,vol. 708,pp. 24-31,2013.


Charlotte Barbier, Paul Hanson, Donald Todd, Damen Belcher, Eriks Jekabson, WK Thomas, JA Riggs,"Air Flow and Heat Transfer in a Temperature-Controlled Open Top Enclosure",ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition,pp. 807-815,2012.
C.L. Cheng, M. Kang, E. Perfect, S. Voisin, J. Horita, H.Z. Bilheux, J.M. Warren, D. Jacobson, D. Hussey,"Average Soil Water Retention Curves Measured by Neutron Radiography",Soil Science Society of America Journal,vol. 76,pp. 1184,2012.