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Title [Year]


Jeffrey Amthor, Paul Hanson, Richard Norby, Stan Wullschleger,"A comment on \textquotedblleftAppropriate experimental ecosystem warming methods by ecosystem, objective, and practicality\textquotedblright",Agricultural and Forest Meteorology,vol. 150,pp. 497-498,2010.
Jingfeng Xiao, Qianlai Zhuang, Beverly Law, Jiquan Chen, Dennis Baldocchi, David Cook, Ram Oren, Andrew Richardson, Sonia Wharton, Siyan Ma,"A continuous measure of gross primary production for the conterminous United States derived from MODIS and AmeriFlux data",Remote Sensing of Environment,vol. 114,pp. 576-591,2010.
Glade Brosi, Rebecca McCulley, Lowell Bush, Jim Nelson, AT. Classen, Richard Norby,"Effects of multiple climate change factors on the tall fescue-fungal endophyte symbiosis: infection frequency and tissue chemistry",New Phytologist,vol. 189,pp. 797-805,2010.
William Parton, Paul Hanson, Chris Swanston, Margaret Torn, Susan Trumbore, William Riley, Robin Kelly,"ForCent model development and testing using the Enriched Background Isotope Study experiment",Journal of Geophysical Research,vol. 115,2010.
Marie-Anne de Graaff, Aimee Classen, Hector Castro, Christopher Schadt,"Labile soil carbon inputs mediate the soil microbial community composition and plant residue decomposition rates",New Phytologist,vol. 188,pp. 1055-1064,2010.
Paul Kardol, Donald Todd, Paul Hanson, Patrick Mulholland,"Long-term successional forest dynamics: species and community responses to climatic variability",Journal of Vegetation Science,2010.
Christopher Schwalm, Christopher Williams, Kevin Schaefer, Ryan Anderson, Altaf Arain, Ian Baker, Alan Barr, Andrew Black, Guangsheng Chen, Jing Chen, Philippe Ciais, Kenneth Davis, Ankur Desai, Michael Dietze, Danilo Dragoni, Marc Fischer, Lawrence Flanagan, Robert Grant, LIANHONG GU, David Hollinger, esar Izaurralde, Chris Kucharik, Peter Lafleur, Beverly Law, Longhui Li, Zhengpeng Li, Shuguang Liu, Erandathie Lokupitiya, Yiqi Luo, Siyan Ma, Hank Margolis, Roser Matamala, Harry McCaughey, Russell Monson, Walter Oechel, Changhui Peng, Benjamin Poulter, David Price, Dan Riciutto, William Riley, Alok Sahoo, Michael Sprintsin, Jianfeng Sun, Hanqin Tian, Christina Tonitto, Hans Verbeeck, Shashi Verma,"A model-data intercomparison of CO <sub>2</sub> exchange across North America: Results from the North American Carbon Program site synthesis",Journal of Geophysical Research,vol. 115,2010.
P. Mulholland, J.R. Webster,"Nutrient dynamics in streams and the role of J-NABS",Journal of the North American Benthological Society,vol. 29,pp. 100-117,2010.
LIANHONG GU, Stephen Pallardy, Kevin Tu, Beverly Law, Stan Wullschleger,"Reliable estimation of biochemical parameters from C3 leaf photosynthesis-intercellular carbon dioxide response curves",Plant, Cell \& Environment,vol. 33,pp. 1852-1874,2010.
Dali Wang, Wilfred Post, Bruce Wilson,"Several Computational Opportunities and Challenges Associated with Climate Change Modeling",Computing in Science \& Engineering,2010.
P. Kardol, M.A. Cregger, C.E. Campany, A. Classen,"Soil ecosystem functioning under climate change: plant species and community effects",Ecology,vol. 91,pp. 767-781,2010.
H. Castro, A. Classen, E. Austin, R. Norby, C. Schadt,"Soil Microbial Community Responses to Multiple Experimental Climate Change Drivers",Applied and Environmental Microbiology,vol. 76,pp. 999-1007,2010.
K.W. Oleson, D.M. Lawrence, B. Gordon, M.G. Flanner, E. Kluzek, J. Peter, S. Levis, S.C. Swenson, E. Thornton, J. Feddema, others,"Technical description of version 4.0 of the Community Land Model (CLM)",2010.
P. Friedlingstein, R. Houghton, G. Marland, J. Hackler, T. Boden, T. Conway, J. Canadell, M. Raupach, P. Ciais, C. e,"Update on CO2 emissions",Nature Geoscience,vol. 3,pp. 811-812,2010.


P. Thornton, S. Doney, K. Lindsay, J. Moore, N. Mahowald, J. Randerson, I. Fung, J.-F. Lamarque, J. Feddema, Y.-H. Lee,"Carbon-nitrogen interactions regulate climate-carbon cycle feedbacks: results from an atmosphere-ocean general circulation model",Biogeosciences,vol. 6,pp. 2099-2120,2009.
Shawn Villalpando, Ray Williams, Richard Norby,"Elevated air temperature alters an old-field insect community in a multifactor climate change experiment",Global Change Biology,vol. 15,pp. 930-942,2009.
Richard Nelson, Chad Hellwinckel, Craig Brandt, Tristram West, Daniel Ugarte, Gregg Marland,"Energy Use and Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Cropland Production in the United States, 1990-2004",Journal of Environment Quality,vol. 38,pp. 418,2009.
Bai Yang, Stephen Pallardy, Tilden Meyers, LIAN-HONG GU, Paul Hanson, Stan Wullschleger, MARK HEUER, Kevin Hosman, JEFFERY RIGGS, DANIEL SLUSS,"Environmental controls on water use efficiency during severe drought in an Ozark Forest in Missouri, USA",Global Change Biology,vol. 16,pp. 2252-2271,2009.
L. Gu, E. Van Gorsel, R. Leuning, N. Delpierre, A. Black, B. Chen, J.W. Munger, S. Wofsy, M. Aubinet,"Estimating nocturnal ecosystem respiration from the vertical turbulent flux and change in storage of CO2",Agricultural and Forest Meteorology,vol. 149,2009.
W. Riley, J. Gaudinski, M. TORN, J. Joslin, P. Hanson,"Fine-root mortality rates in a temperate forest: estimates using radiocarbon data and numerical modeling",New Phytologist,vol. 184,pp. 387-398,2009.
Mats Fröberg, Paul Hanson, Susan Trumbore, Christopher Swanston, Donald Todd,"Flux of carbon from 14C-enriched leaf litter throughout a forest soil mesocosm",Geoderma,vol. 149,pp. 181-188,2009.
Andrew Leakey, Elizabeth Ainsworth, Stephanie Bernard, R. Markelz, Donald Ort, Sarah Placella, Alistair Rogers, Melinda Smith, Erika Sudderth, David Weston, Stan Wullschleger, Shenghua Yuan,"Gene expression profiling: opening the black box of plant ecosystem responses to global change",Global Change Biology,vol. 15,pp. 1201-1213,2009.
Weile Wang, Kazuhito Ichii, Hirofumi Hashimoto, Andrew Michaelis, Peter Thornton, Beverly Law, Ramakrishna Nemani,"A hierarchical analysis of terrestrial ecosystem model Biome-BGC: Equilibrium analysis and model calibration",Ecological Modelling,vol. 220,pp. 2009-2023,2009.